New Year. New Goals

new-year-5660784_1280We’ve reached that time again – a new year. That can only mean one thing, it’s time to make those New Year’s resolutions again – those things that we swear we are going to stick by and very rarely do. I know that sounds negative, but I personally know I am awful at sticking to the resolutions I make. So, I make the resolution this year that I will stick to my resolutions and goals – easy, right?

This year, I aim to actually go back and edit my NaNoWriMo novel from November 2020. I’ve completed NanoWriMo a few times now, but never end up returning to my attempt to edit it, so this year, I aim to not leave another novel sat gathering dust on my laptop. The fact that I have a shiny new laptop should make my life easier too, as it doesn’t take an age to start up and open anything like my old laptop did.

Another goal for this year is to carry on getting out for walks – I’ve been out for a walk today, so starting as I mean to go on. Not only is walking good exercise, but it’s good for your mental health.

My final goal for 2021 is to attempt to get more organised and not lose hours binge watching things on Netflix. There is always other things that need doing – or I could be doing. I should use the time to edit my novel (see above), or get things more organised in the house (code for actually stay on top of the cleaning and washing), or I could use the time to read or even dig out my colouring books that I went through a stage of doing and are now just sat on a shelf and sit and do them while listening to music.

I would love to say that in 2021 that I would like to see more of my family and friends, but we’ll just have to wait and see what the world has in store for us on that front! I also hope that we can manage to get back out to gigs as I am missing live music so badly.

Happy New Year!

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