40 Before 40

I turn 40 on 26 April 2026, and after failing to complete my 30 before 30 list when I gave myself a year, I decided this time round to give myself a longer lead-up time to complete this year. Again, the aim will be to Blog my way through this list. Wish me luck!

1. Read 100 books in a year
I’ve wanted to set a target of reading 100 books for years. It will mean a lot of short stories and the likes of Roald Dahl.

2. Get the Eurostar to Paris
I’ve never been to Paris, and it seems a fun way to get there going by Eurostar.

3. Go back to Blackpool and go on the Big One
The last time I was in Blackpool was 1999, and I went on the Big One, or the Pepsi Max as it was known then (after chickening out the year before). I’ve not been back since, and not been on a roller coaster in years – the last one being Smiler at Alton Towers, and I hated that, which put me off. It seems the best time to face a fear and go back on one.

4. Self-publish a book on Kindle
I’ve taken part in NanoWriMo several times, and have completed it and then done nothing with the books. It’s about time I dusted one off, edited it, and had a go at self-publishing it.

5. Carve a pumpkin
I’ve got no memory of ever carving a pumpkin, so thought it would be a fun thing to try.

6. Go vegan for a month
On my 30 before 30 list, I went vegetarian for a month, so I’m taking it one step further this time and going vegan.

7. Read ‘Little Women’ by Louisa May Alcott – DONE
There had to be some classic books added to the list, as I’ve always been quite bad at reading classic books. So, I’ve added three books to this list.

8. Read ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte

9. Read ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte

10. Walk 10,000 steps every day for a month
An attempt to get me walking more as ever.

11. Watch all the Harry Potter films
This one is to keep Liam, my husband happy as he’s always appalled that I’ve not watched all the Harry Potter films, or read any of the books. If he had his way completely, I would have included reading the books on this list too.

12. Build the Lego wild flower set
I used to love building Lego as a child, but haven’t got into it as an adult like Liam has, so I thought I would give it a go.

13. Spend my 40th birthday in Venice
I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend their birthday in a city like Venice?

14. Ride in a gondola in Venice
While in Venice…

15. Go back to Slimbridge and not fall in the water
It’s always been a running joke that I fell into the water at Slimbridge when I was a child, so this is a bit of a tongue in cheek item.

16. Go to a gig in another country
I’ve been to hundreds and hundreds of gigs over the years, but never made it to a gig in another country, and it’s something I would love to do.

17. Celebrate New Year’s Eve in a different country
Our New Year’s Eve is normally spent with a meal at home, so this would be something completely different for us.

18. Commit to not buying any new clothes for six months
I constantly look at my wardrobe and think I have nothing to wear – or fall into the trap of wearing the same clothes over and over as it’s what I feel comfy in. or I go the other way and seem to do a lot of online ordering. So, it’s time to break old habits and commit to buying no new clothes for six months to see what I can achieve with the clothes I own.

19. Go to a murder mystery night
Murder mystery evenings have always looked like fun.

20. Write a will
Time to be an adult on this one…

21. Take a photo a day for a month
I’m hoping this will encourage me to get out and about more to capture pictures.

22. Take a pasta making class
I love pasta, and think it would be fun to learn how to make it myself.

23. Have afternoon tea at Hotel Du Vin
It wouldn’t be a 40 before 40 list without having afternoon tea on the list.

24. Go to ladies’ day at the races
I’ve actually already got tickets for ladies’ day at the Cheltenham races via my work, so myself and my friend Rachael will be off to this.

25. Build a gingerbread house
Like carving a pumpkin, I’ve got no memory of ever building a gingerbread house, and it seems fun to do.

26. Go to Westonbirt Arboretum when the trees are all out in colour
Every year we say we’re going to go to Westonbirt Arboretum in autumn, and we never do, so this is to kick us up the arse and actually go.

27. Take part in Six Pack Revolution again and maintain
I did my first wave of Six Pack Revolution in March 2023 and was so impressed with my results, but I failed to maintain it, which I kick myself for. I’m booked in to start again in mid-January, and I’m looking forward to getting back to my kettlebells, as I’ve not been able to do them the last few months after picking up a cough that I couldn’t shake. I want to be able to have something resembling a six pack when I turn 40.

28. Use my volunteering day allowance from work
We get three volunteering days a year at work, and I’ve never actually used mine, so I need to find something to do to use my days.

29. Look after myself better by pampering myself more
At times I need to learn to sit and relax, which should be helped when I have an aim of reading 100 books in a year. I need to learn to spend time of sitting down and doing things like putting on a facemask and painting my nails.

30. Go on a spa weekend
It’s been so long since I’ve been to a spa, and I’ve never done a spa weekend.

31. Go to a specialist curly hairdresser for a hair cut
I follow a couple of specialist curly hairdressers on Instagram and I am fascinated watching them cut hair. My hairdresser Lou does a fantastic job on my hair, but I would love to see what happens to my curls when they are cut by a curl specialist.

32. Take part in a park run
After I did Couch to 5K, I haven’t really kept up with my running, and I wish I had, so I want to get back into it.

33. Do a tour underneath Clifton Suspension Bridge
The pictures of under the Clifton Suspension Bridge look amazing, so I’m sure the tour is fascinating.

34. Go strawberry picking
I love strawberries and can’t believe that I have never been strawberry picking.

35. De-clutter the house and clear out my wardrobes
Another adult one here of wanting to declutter the house and get rid of anything we don’t need. I also need to clear out my wardrobes and list items I don’t need on Vinted or give it away.

36. Go to a sunflower field and pick sunflowers
I buy sunflowers every year, but I’ve never actually been to a sunflower field and picked them myself.

37. Go back to Brownsea Island
We went to Brownsea Island when we were still in Covid times, so we were restricted on time there. We’ve never got round to going back and doing it properly, so this is the perfect time to go again.

38. Go to the Festival of Light at Longleat
Every year, we say we want to go to the Festival Light at Longleat, and again we never get round to it, so like Westonbirt Arboretum, this is to get us to go.

39. Reach 1,000 followers on my house Instagram account
I’ve had an Instagram account for our house for a couple of years now, but it’s never really taken off. As of 1 January 2024, it’s got 417 followers, but I want to try and grow it to reach 1,000 followers.

40. Perfect child’s pose in yoga for my bum to sit on my heels
I’ve been practicing yoga for years, but I’ve never been able to relax my body enough for my bum to sit on my heels in child’s pose. It’s going to be interesting to see if I can achieve this one.